
AI Prompt Engineering Academy

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AI Prompt Engineering Websites

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AI Tools


Social Media


How to create and find Telegram groups

Easy methods on how to create a Telegram channel








Machine Learning

Machine Learning

One Shot Series

Data Structures

0:00 Introduction 5:37 Number System 58:00 Boolean Algebra Laws 1:05:50 Logic Gates 1:31:10 Boolean Expression 2:23:45 Combinational Circuit 3:44:35 Sequential Circuit

Compiler Design

0:00 Introduction 07:24 Phases of Compiler 17:20 Symbol Table 21:50 Error Handler 27:04 Lexical Analysis 34:46 Syntax Analysis 02:45:22 Semantic Analysis 03:01:10 Intermediate Code Generation 03:12:55 Code Optimization 03:40:30 Code Generation


0:00 Introduction 30:17 ER Diagram 54:00 Keys 1:12:08 Functional Dependency 1:56:53 Normalization 2:12:55 Joins 2:37:41 Relational Algebra 3:03:06 Relational Calculus 3:11:01 SQL 3:57:31 Indexing 4:36:19 Transaction and Schedule 5:17:20 Concurrency Control

Discrete Mathematics

0:00 Sets, Operations & Relations 39:01 POSET, Hasse Diagram & Lattices 59:30 Venn Diagram & Multiset 1:12:27 Inclusion and Exclusion Principle 1:20:03 Mathematical Induction 1:26:34 Theory Of Logics 2:26:35 Functions 2:51:20 Combinatorics 3:02:54 Algebraic Structure 3:30:26 Graph Theory 3:55:34 Tree

Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DAA)

0:00 Introduction 1:06:53 Searching and Sorting 2:32:15 Divide and Conquer 2:47:42 Greedy Algorithm 3:52:40 Spanning Tree and MST 4:04:10 Dynamic Programming 5:16:12 Backtracking 5:34:07 Branch and Bound 5:51:20 Hashing


Operating System

0:00 Introduction 26:00 Structure of OS 53:00 Process Basics 1:25:40 CPU Scheduling 2:26:20 Process Synchronization 3:10:00 Semaphores 3:54:00 Deadlock 4:27:00 Memory Management 5:49:11 Virtual Memory 6:19:30 Disk Management 6:46:00 File System

Digital Electronics

0:00 Introduction 5:37 Number System 58:00 Boolean Algebra Laws 1:05:50 Logic Gates 1:31:10 Boolean Expression 2:23:45 Combinational Circuit 3:44:35 Sequential Circuit

Software Engineering

0:00 Introduction 28:41 Software Development Life Cycle 01:11:05 Requirements Analysis and Specification 02:02:51 Software Design 02:36:24 Estimation 02:56:40 Software Testing 03:42:36 Risk Management

Theory of Computation

0:00 Introduction 17:50 Finite Automata 02:30:30 Regular Expressions 03:51:12 Grammer 04:35:09 Push down Automata 05:11:19 Turing Machine 05:53:00 Decidability and Undecidability



Open Source Models with Hugging Face

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers

LangChain for LLM Application Development

How Diffusion Models Work

Building Systems with the ChatGPT API

LangChain Chat with Your Data

Building Generative AI Applications with Gradio

Evaluating and Debugging Generative AI

Large Language Models with Semantic Search

Finetuning Large Language Models

How Business Thinkers Can Start Building AI Plugins With Semantic Kernel

Understanding and Applying Text Embeddings

Pair Programming with a Large Language Model

Functions, Tools and Agents with LangChain

Vector Databases: from Embeddings to Applications

Quality and Safety for LLM Applications

Building and Evaluating Advanced RAG

Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback

Advanced Retrieval for AI with Chroma

Build LLM Apps with LangChain.js


Automated Testing for LLMOps

Building Applications with Vector Databases

Serverless LLM Apps Amazon Bedrock

Prompt Engineering with Llama 2

Click here to see all of our courses and specializations



Learn Python

Full Course for Beginners

⌨️ (0:00) Introduction

⌨️ (1:45) Installing Python & PyCharm

⌨️ (6:40) Setup & Hello World

⌨️ (10:23) Drawing a Shape

⌨️ (15:06) Variables & Data Types

⌨️ (27:03) Working With Strings

⌨️ (38:18) Working With Numbers

⌨️ (48:26) Getting Input From Users

⌨️ (52:37) Building a Basic Calculator

⌨️ (58:27) Mad Libs Game

⌨️ (1:03:10) Lists

⌨️ (1:10:44) List Functions

⌨️ (1:18:57) Tuples

⌨️ (1:24:15) Functions

⌨️ (1:34:11) Return Statement

⌨️ (1:40:06) If Statements

⌨️ (1:54:07) If Statements & Comparisons

⌨️ (2:00:37) Building a better Calculator

⌨️ (2:07:17) Dictionaries

⌨️ (2:14:13) While Loop

⌨️ (2:20:21) Building a Guessing Game

⌨️ (2:32:44) For Loops

⌨️ (2:41:20) Exponent Function

⌨️ (2:47:13) 2D Lists & Nested Loops

⌨️ (2:52:41) Building a Translator

⌨️ (3:00:18) Comments

⌨️ (3:04:17) Try / Except

⌨️ (3:12:41) Reading Files

⌨️ (3:21:26) Writing to Files

⌨️ (3:28:13) Modules & Pip

⌨️ (3:43:56) Classes & Objects

⌨️ (3:57:37) Building a Multiple Choice Quiz

⌨️ (4:08:28) Object Functions

⌨️ (4:12:37) Inheritance

⌨️ (4:20:43) Python Interpreter


Generative AI Course

Module 1: Course Introduction

Motivating Example: Building a Meal Plan with a Fusion of Food from Ethiopia and Uzbekistan that is Keto

Overview of the Course

Motivating Example: Act as a Speech Pathologist

Setting Up an Account and Using ChatGPT

Module 2: Introduction to Prompts

What is a Prompt?

Intuition Behind Prompts

Everyone Can Program with Prompts

Module 3: Prompt Patterns I

Question Refinement Pattern

Cognitive Verifier Pattern

Audience Persona Pattern

Flipped Interaction Pattern

Module 4: Few-Shot Examples

Few-shot Examples

Few-shot Examples for Actions

Few-Shot Examples with Intermediate Steps

Writing Effective Few-Shot Examples

Chain of Thought Prompting

ReAct Prompting

Using Large Language Models to Grade Each Other

Module 5: Prompt Patterns II

Game Play Pattern

Template Pattern

Meta Language Creation Pattern

Recipe Pattern

Alternative Approaches Pattern

Module 6: Prompt Patterns III

Ask for Input Pattern

Combining Patterns

Outline Expansion Pattern

Menu Actions Pattern

Fact Check List Pattern

Tail Generation Pattern

Semantic Filter Pattern

Course Conclusion & Thank You


Resume Writing

A Single Master Prompt For Resume Writing

Act as an expert resume writer. I’m here to create engaging and informative resume content for your [job title]. To get started, please provide the main focus or [job description] for the blog post. Once you share the [job description], I will ask you a series of questions step by step to gather all the necessary information for the blog post. These questions will be relevant to the resume like what are your experiences, what your portfolio is about, and the key parts of your resume. You, as the user, will answer each question one by one, and I will extract as much information as I can to ensure the content meets your needs. There will be at least 5 questions and up to 10 questions in total, all aimed at understanding your requirements and creating a tailored resume. The next question will be asked only after you provide your response to the previous one like a survey only one question at a time. after these questions, I will write a proper resume with a proper outline, introduction, and proper body and have proper paragraphs about what you can expect from me with all the headings


Examples To Demonstrate

ChatGPT Prompt To Create An Ad Script

As a topmost copywriter renowned for creating highly engaging and converting ads, I need your assistance in drafting a script for a social media video ad. This ad is aimed at [Target Audience] and will be used on platforms like Meta Ads and Google Ads. The product/service we're promoting is [Product/Service Name]. Start with a captivating opening line that instantly grabs attention. It could be a question, a surprising fact, or a relatable situation for [Target Audience]. Briefly introduce the product/service, focusing on its unique selling proposition (USP). Describe a common problem or pain point that [Target Audience] faces, which our product/service can solve. Craft a compelling CTA, encouraging viewers to take immediate action, such as visiting the website, signing up, or making a purchase. Mentions [Special Offers]. Conclude with a memorable closing line that reinforces the brand message or USP. Specify [Tone], [visual or audio elements], [Ad Duration]

Midjourney Prompt To Create An Image Ad For Sony TV

Showcase a Sony TV in a modern living room at dusk, where the TV screen displays a stunning, ultra-realistic nature scene that appears to extend into the room. Emphasize the TV's vibrant display against the dimly lit interior, creating a seamless blend between the digital image and the surrounding space. Include subtle elements like a softly glowing lamp and a comfortable sofa to evoke a sense of immersion and luxury. Interior Photography, Brand "Sony" TV, High Dynamic Range, Vivid Detail, –stylize 500, –ar 16:9


What is Generative AI?

Generative AI models can take inputs such as text, image, audio, video, and code and generate new content into any of the modalities mentioned. For example, it can turn text inputs into an image, turn an image into a song, or turn video into text.

It operates on AI models and algorithms that are trained on large unlabeled data sets, which require complex math and lots of computing power to create. These data sets train the AI to predict outcomes in the same ways humans might act or create on their own.

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.